Potentially my finest (or possibly worst) quality is that I'm permanently dissatisfied with my very own expertise.
This could be the reason I have actually shown a particular ability for maths as well as physics. Just understanding is never sufficient for me; I need to at least attempt to carefully recognise the reasoning behind the maths I do, and after that, take my understanding to its limitations. Profusely asking about the reason something is the way it is, maybe to the inconvenience of my lecturers, is something I'm compelled to do. I, as well as many others, consider this Socratic approach of learning and training to be unbelievably beneficial in developing a fundamental understanding of maths and physics from standard concepts, and I endeavour to enlighten in exactly this fashion.
I wish I can encourage students with my extreme love of maths and physics or, at least, reveal the topics as far less difficult than they appear. Normally not everybody is a mathematician, and different minds discover at different paces, nonetheless I will intend to leave an enduring and advantageous perception.